Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Safety Equitment on Board


A.     Background Papers
In planning and making a transportation which includes marine transportation, in addition to design issues, accommodation, technology, engineering, and so on, a designer and shipbuilder must consider and take into account security and safety of the ship. This should be done as a matter of the lives of passengers, freight, and business issues, economics, and law of the sea.
A ship must have a facility safety and security, both when the boat leans (docked) and while it is sailing, both in the region and secure shipping as well as vice versa. Because disasters can not be calculated and predicted. With the times, regulations on standardization menganai lifeboats and anchors were growing tight, in accordance with SOLAS (safty of life at sea) and IMO (international maritime Organitation) and in our country, it is regulated by the Indonesian Bureau of Classification.


Judging from our function to be three major parts:
1.      Helper tools (live saving appliance)
·        Lifeboat and equipment.
·        Tools launcher davit (davits).
·         Life buoy, Life jacket or life belt, auto attendant raft (inflatable life raft), and others.
2.      Fire extinguishers (Fire Appliances)
3.      Danger signs with light or sound (light and sound signals).
All regulations or requirements stipulated in the International Conference on the results of safety of life at sea, held in London in 1960 with the famous rule "SOLAS" 1960 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960).
General requirements specified auxiliary equipment as follows:
1.      Such tools should be at all times ready for use when the ship in an emergency.
2.      When lowered into the water can be carried out easily and quickly, even if the conditions are not favorable, such as trim ship 15o.
Explanation: According to the SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea), the number of helper tools that should exist in the vessel are:

A.     Life Boat
To ship items are 100% of the number of sailors, for a sufficient number of passenger ships for 50% of the number of sailors on each side of the sample images below life boat:

Lifeboat is part of the
shipping equipment that must be met in terms of shipbuilding, including the construction, mechanical equipment to lower and lift lifeboats. Lifeboat is kind of an open boat with a hull remains and hand them are air boxes. While regular lifeboat lifeboat is open without any change air boxes. As the adder buoyancy, needed to open lifeboat, still afloat when many take in water. This tool should be installed close to the boat, and consists of several boxes and each box should not be more than 1.25 meters, to reduce the loss of additional buoyancy if there is a leak.
Ubu first air box made
​​of copper, brass or iron digalvaniser (given the galvanized layer) while zinc deficient can be used, as it will be damaged if hit brass nails lifeboat). Form the air box must match the sloop (fitting) and use ganjel installation, should not be pressed to the skin outskirts of lifeboats. Latest materials to make the air box is plastic, which has properties that do not soak up water and its density is very small, namely 0.05.

The types of Lifeboat
Lifeboat review of its functions divided into 3 parts:
·         Lifeboat helper, to help the crew in case of an accident.
·         Lifeboat waders, use to transport crew from sea to shore or ship goods sebaliknya.Pada lifeboat is sometimes also used to pull barges cargo from ship to shore and vice versa where the coincidence is not no motor boats are available.
·         Lifeboat table, to move heavy items and to transport perlengakapan ship repair. Smaller in size compared to the lifeboat and generally has a flat base.
Judging from lifeboat propulsion divided into into 4 sections:
1.       Lifeboats were rowed
2.       A class motor lifeboat (6 miles per hour speed).
Terms bike:
·         Every time ready to use.
·         The motor can be turned on in a state that somehow.
·         Must be filled with enough fuel to sail continuously for 24 hours.
·         Motor and completeness must have wall coverings to ensure that in case of bad weather the bike is still unable to work properly and wall coverings must be flame-retardant.
·         Must be equipped with the tools to move back away from the motor.
3.       Class B motor lifeboat (speed of 4 miles per hour)
4.       The lifeboat propeller driven mechanically, which excludes motor lifeboat.
Driving tool must meet the following requirements:
·        Generate enough power for the boat, so with a full crew with all equipment immediately after falling into the water to free the ship.
·        In good condition
·        Can hold the bow of the lifeboat despite the bad weather.
·        The speed of at least 4 miles per hour in calm waters.
·        Can move the boat backwards.
·        Equipment is such that it can be served by people who are not trained and can be done, as soon as the boat down in the water, also in a state of full charge.
Some provisions for motor lifeboats:
If a ship has more than 13 and less than 20 pieces
helper boat motor then one of them must be class A or class B or a lifeboat propeller driven mechanically.
If a ship has 20 lifeboats pieces or more then two of them have a class A motor are placed one on the left and one on the right. Ship goods to the size of 1600 gross tons or more must have 1 class A motor lifeboat or a class B or lifeboats that have propeller.
Materials specified in the 1960 SOLAS life boat / lifeboat must meet the following requirements:
·        Must be strong enough to safely lowered into the water when fully loaded with support / person are allowed along with the required equipment. Besides, should have such power if burdened with a load of 25% more than actual capacity does not lead to changes in shape.
·        Equipped with air tanks (as reserve buoyancy) to avoid drowning in an overturned lifeboat though.
Generally plump shape and tapered rear end and a second lingginya sharp as possible in order to be able to move well, forward and backward.
Have agility / speed such that it can avoid the ship quickly to an accident.
·        Having a form such that when the sail is surging seafaring have enough stability and hull arise, if fully loaded with passengers / persons permitted and required equipment.
·        Must be lowered into the water easily and quickly even in a state ship tilted 15o.
·        Equipped with tools that allow passengers who were in the water may rise into the lifeboats.
·        Board seats and benches transverse edge, should be placed as low as possible in the lifeboat.
·        Able to ensure Proviant within a specified period.
·        Also equipped with navigation tools and other equipment required.
specifically for lifeboat "tanker", equipped with portable fire extinguishers and can issue a foam or other material either to extinguish oil fires.
The tools and equipment that must be owned Life Boat implied by SOLAS 1960 are:
·        Rowing is complete along its place. A leaf mounted on the steering wheel and the steering shaft lifeboat. An oil lamp is enough to burn for 12 hours and two boxes of matches stored in a waterproof tube. One more layer pole, complete with ropes made ​​of rust-resistant wire-screen display along with the yellow / orange.
·        rope tied around the lifeboat helper in a state depend.
Two axes of each section is placed front and rear lifeboat.
Placement of lifeboats helper
Placement of lifeboats on the vessel must meet the following requirements.
·        Must be placed in such a way that it can be launched or lowered keair, in the shortest time possible and should not exceed.
·        Can be derived easily, quickly and safely even tilted 15o.
·        The voyagers had to be quickly and safely into the lifeboats.
·        There should be mounted on the side or rear of the ship, when reduced harm as close keair propeller.
·        On board passenger placement of lifeboats was allowed one above the other or lined with a note when placing one above the other that there must be a good tool for rivet and keep the damage to the boat was carrying.
·        For small freighter, which limited sail area, which practically can only carry one lifeboat then placing it in such a way it can be derived either Daris contents left or from the right side with ease, generally placed in the chimney behind Derek.

B.      Davit Helper
Davit is a tool for launching lifeboats from the ship into the water, in terms of how it works can be divided into 3 parts:
1.      Goddesses with rotating system (radial)
2.      Goddesses by pouring system / brengsel (luffing davits).
3.      Goddesses system with gravity (gravity davits)
The davit system construction is simple, and is commonly used to lower the lifeboat work, lifeboat to serve the ropes and so on. Because working lifeboats did not take hasty, dipereratkan only at certain times. Goddesses of this type are made of a curved upper section ebsi no hollow (solid) which rotates round its own axis. Toward the pole goddesses with one another is shorter than the lifeboat, so as to issue a sloop should be driven with alternating (zig-zag) in advance, * with the Goddesses detour around the axis.
The back of the first rotated to right so that the front moves slightly to the rear to follow the movement of the lower part of the back exit then follow the back of the front exit. This is easily done if the ship is not in a state of ... / tilt. To tighten the particular position, then mengkapi degan tentacle tentacle double or three eyes. This goddess is often mounted on the fulcrum of which is equipped with a cast ebsi ring to keep from goddesses lifted from foothold.

C.     Life Raft
Liferats inflatable life raft which is automatically blown. Peniupnya tool is one or more bottles of angina (carbonic acid) is placed outside the raft floor. The bottle should be enough wind to fill or develop apungnya room, being pedestal floor can be developed with a hand pump.
When the raft was going to be used then the rope tambatnya must first strapped on board, then raft that is still in place in the state wrapped it thrown into the sea. A tug of mooring lines, will open a bottle pen wind, so it would inflate the raft.
Inflatable liferafts must meet the following equipment:
·        Two floating anchor with rope (one as a backup)
·        For every 12 people supplied 1 sponge bucket and blade safety
·        A hand pump
·        Tool can repair to patch leaks
·        A discharge rope floating on the water, a minimum length of 30 meters
·        Two paddel
·        Six torches which can emit a bright red light
·        A lantern (flash light) a waterproof pocket that can be used for morse motto, with a set of spare batteries and a spare bulb stored in a watertight place. A glass that can be used for slogan
·        A fishing pole
·        Half a pound of food for every person
·        Three stainless cans contents of each 0.36 liters of water for each person
·        A stainless drinking bowl with a scale size
·        Six pills drunk sea for everyone
·        waterproof guide book that explains caracara people living in the raft
·        A place that is impermeable to water containing first aid supplies, with particulars how to use it. On the outside of the wrapper written content.

Terms - Inflatable Liferaft conditions:
1.      Made such that when dropped into the water from one place 18 feet in height above the water surface, either rafts or other equipment will not be damaged.
2.      Should be developed automatically DNG quickly.
3.      The maximum weight of 180kg entirely (raft, bags, tubing)
4.      Have a fairly good stability.
5.      Floor of the life raft must be watertight and shall have sufficient insulation to keep the cold air in.
6.      Equipped with the mooring lines at least 10 feet in length, and filled the outside there is a fairly strong grip strap.
7.      Rafts must be enforced by a, if it has blown, if it is upside-down.

D.                Life Buoy
 Used to help someone who falls into the sea (man over board) with the intention of Recovery. To ship items at least 8 pieces for passenger ships depends on the length (p) vessel:

- P <200 ft minimum of 8 pieces
- P s.d.400 ft 200 ft minimum 12 pieces
- P 400 ft 600 ft s.d minimum 18 pieces
- P s.d.800 ft 600 ft minimum 32 pieces
P> 800 ft minimum 32 pieces

Judging from the two kinds of forms in the know:
1.      Form a circle
2.      horseshoe shape
Circular shapes are needed because more powerful ships and practical. Because it uses a float helper must be thrown, then it should be made of the lightweight material once. At the first time made ​​of cork, but today is made from a kind of plastic material that weighs Onahuto ½ cups of ingredients. SOLAS Life Bouy 1960 specifies requirements for the following:
·        With a load of at least 14.5 kg should be floating in fresh water for 24 hours.
·        Resistant to the effects of oil and oil results.
·        Must have a color that is easily seen at sea.
·        The name of the vessel is written in capital letters.
·        Equipped with ropes tied handle well around the buoys.
·        For passenger ships half of the buoy helper but not less than 6 units, to ship goods at least half of the number of auxiliary buoy must be equipped with lights that turn on automatically and not die by the water. Should be lit at least 45 minutes and have the power on / light at least 3.5 lumens.
·        Placed in such a way that it is ready to use and speedy remedy is reached where by every person onboard. Two of which are equipped with lights that turn on automatically at night and smoke mengelarkan automatically during the day.
·        Fast can be released, can not be fixed and quickly tied also thrown from the bridge into the water. Within 6 points explained that some pieces float helper must have light fixtures that turn on automatically.
Helper outfit must meet the following requirements:
·        Every sailor, should be available at least one helper outfit.
·        Must be stored in one place, so that if there is a danger, it can be easily achieved.
·        Must be made ​​in such a way as to avoid any misuse, unless it can be used from the inside out (inside out).
·        Must be made ​​in such a way that the wearer's head and the unconscious, can remain above the water surface.
·        In fresh water should be able to float for at least 24 hours to besis eberat 7.5 kg.
·        Colour in such a way as to be clearly visible.
·        Resistant to oil and petroleum liquids.
·        Equipped with sempritan authorized and bound with strong rope.
·        Special for passenger ships, armor helper should 105% of all people who were onboard.
·        Clothes helper blown before it can be used with the terms used have 2 separate air chambers and can hold the iron weighing 15 kg for at least 24 hours in fresh water.

E.     Life Jacket
Used as additional protection when leaving the ship, in order to stay afloat in a long time with the head remained above the surface of the water.
In terms of shipping, people call life jacket or shirt helper. When viewed from its shape, is more properly called because it vests sleeveless shirt. Usually made of a material that is impermeable to water. Actually there are some specifications that have made life jacket person. Some of them deserve to be called as a float over just because its nothing like a jacket. This object consists of a float made of plastic or rubber that tied their use to the body. It's a way to wear it as we wear clothes. But that is often used because of practicality such as that shown in the image.
Life jacket is arguably the most vital rescue device during an accident at sea. Especially on a sinking ship. Especially if it happens so fast sinking. Crew could no longer control the panic that usually passengers scrambling to climb into a lifeboat or liferaft. Therefore, if you are in an ocean cruise, make sure that you know where it is stored on the vessel lifejacket you are riding. So that if at any time an emergency occurs, you already know what to do. Usually the crew will provide clues as to passengers during emergency situations applies. But it would be better if you really have to know beforehand.
At the time of going to use a life jacket, there are a few things to note. First, of course you have to make sure that the life jacket that you will use is still in good condition. For example, there is no thread seams apart. Flotation material still feels hard / chewy when pressed. Has not flattened or thin. Make sure the fabric is also in good condition, no torn or brittle.

Second, look at the life jacket capacity figures. Do not choose a number lower capacity than your weight. For example, you weigh 50 kg, then the life jacket should you choose is a capacity above 50 Kg. If you choose the capacity of life jacket that is lighter than your weight, then the life jacket may not work for you help. This figure can be seen in writing the instructions listed on the cloth sewn on the inside of the life jacket. Position at the back. The easiest way to determine the capacity of appropriate life jacket for a look you are larger in size than the size of your body. But do not be too big because it will interfere with the movement of your body if it was in the water. This means that most likely do given the situation is urgent.
Third, tie ropes, life jackets complement the well on your body. Some types of life jacket is equipped with straps like a backpack strap on. The point that it is not a life jacket on the body loose and possibly detached when the user already was in the water. Note also ties in the groin area. If not tied properly, the user could drop down and regardless of the life jacket she was wearing. Set in such a way that the position of the strings so as not to get caught the next time you move quickly to leave a sinking ship or a burning.

F.      Buoyant Apparatus
What is meant by floating devices are all tools that can float, which can restrain the people so that they can stay afloat. Unless yanng including floating equipment Other:
·        Lifeboat helper
·        Buoy helper
·        Raft helper automatically blown
·        Clothes helper
It is useful to help the human soul at the time of the accident the ship was very sudden.
Floating tools must meet the following requirements:
·        The size, strength and placement must be such, that when thrown into the water will not be damaged.
·        Weight flotation device that may not exceed 180 kg, except the right equipment is available to enable the launch without lifted by hand.
·        Must be made ​​from approved ingredients.
·        Must be always in a state of good stability, on either side of him floating.
·        Water tanks which provide buoyancy to the tool should be as close as possible to the edges and should not be a material developed before use.
·        Must be equipped with a rope tied around the handle rtali the outside.
·        The number of people allowed to be transported by floating device is: It is the smallest number that is obtained from the amount of iron that can be retained weight (in kg) by the floating device in freshwater divided by 14.5 points or circumference of the floating device (in cm) divided by 30.5.
·        passenger onboard the lifeboat in addition to having the amount implied floating device must also have enough for 25% of all people who were onboard. But for passenger ships operating in the area a short cruise percentage of just 10% only.
The tools to throw a rope
On board passengers and goods must be equipped with a rope thrower. The tool should be able to throw a rope at least as far as 230 meters. Usefulness of the rope thrower is to hold a relationship between ship rope in a state that needs help with another ship, or the ship ran aground with the helper on land. Rope thrower who often or commonly used by kapalkapal is kind of "Schermuly" as shown in the picture above. The tool has a large bullet hole screwed onto the holder. By means of a per then loop it can be tightened. At the top of the loop (barrel) there is a strong holder. Projective shape of a bullet that ends umpul face, which can float in the water. At the bottom is screwed a steel wire ring binder small as a connective rope thrower

G.    Fire extinguishers (Fire Appliances)
The causes of the fire can be divided into 3 factors:
1.      Items are solid, liquid or gas that can be burned (wood, paper, textile, petrol, oil, acetelin and others).
2.      The temperature is so high, to cause the gases which easily cause a fire.
3.      The presence of acid (O2) is sufficient to bind the gases are free. These bonds followed by the symptoms of fire and high temperatures that then caught fire .. when the binding is progressing rapidly, there will be an explosion.
If one side of the triangle above removed, it is unlikely that there is a fire. So every fire can be extinguished by the way, as follows:
·        By lowering the temperature below the temperature of the fire.
·        Close the entry of acidic substances.
·        Keep items combustibles, to limit the spread of fire (the latter method is rarely done on board).
Is a very important first aid on the fire, because the fire started from a small fire. Fire extinguishers that small called rapid fire or "Extinguisher", where a lot of types and kinds, with different brands.
The terms of the portable extinguisher:
·        The content of which can be portable estinguisher should be between 9 to 13.5 liters and the color should be red.
·        Tried and checked regularly.
·        portable extinguisher that used for a particular room, should be placed near the room.
Several provisions of the portable extinguisher is:
·        The solution should not be a crystal or mengedap or can not quickly freeze.
·        There should not damage the tubes and other tools.
·        Must be accompanied by instructions on how to use each extinguisher
·        The content should be easily available at low prices.
·        The bottle should hold pressure inside, at least 20 kg per m ^ 3.

Number of firefighting equipment that used various kinds of charging, it is pretty obvious because kebarakan ship can be distinguished as follows:
1.      Fire the usual stuff (wood, paper, textile and so on), in which the cooling of the fire with water or a mixture containing the percentage of a lot of water is best.
2.      Fire the substances flammable liquid (diesel, gasoline, etc.), which is done by covering the fire with foam, sand and so on.
3.      on or approached fire electrical installation, where the extinguishers should not be composed of materials that can deliver electricity.
Most of the extinguisher is based on the following system:
Consists of a metal tube containing a solution in water (not to be fully charged). Inside the tube there is a small glass tube that contains harsh acids (eg, mixture of sulfuric acid and acid salt). The tubes are generally covered and can be solved with press knob. In some species the other is made in such a way, so that if reversed would flow out.
After harsh acids that have ruptured before flowing into the solution, then out the charcoal acid (CO2) to exert pressure 4-8 atmospheres in the solution. When krannya opened, then through a pipeline fire throwers came out strong jets of water. Penyemburannya distance reaches 12 meter spray reaches 8 feet high. High power sprayers can be used to extinguish fires high place it is. With that much power blurted, a kebarakan be extinguished from a safe distance.
No description. 2 It can be expected that the extinguisher will remain in good condition for years without inspection and renewal of its contents.
Therefore the "fast Fire" is at least every 2 years to try and update the content, and given the record date, month and year, in order to know the bottle was updated contents if any checks. Fighters kebarakan items that can catch fire by themselves (gasoline, oil, fuel, etc.) we use the extinguisher bottle containing the foaming solution. These bottles are made of a foam producing carbonic acid masses attached to each other, which when sprayed on a fire place will be a layer of clay, which is not penetrated by the gas burner on a gas-pipe connection with air cover. The foam consists of a compound of acid and alkaline salt solutions, such as bicarbonate and aluminum sulfate solution. Along with a substance that causes the gelembunggelembung clay or adhesive foam (called Soponine). For fire extinguisher is used for electrical installations or radio room, we call "Fire halogeen". This bottle filled with carbon tetrachloor, a liquid that is
evaporate and become very suffocating gas. The advantage of carbon tetrachloor or halogeen (for instance Chloorbreomethan) This is not to distribute or conduct electricity. These materials are generally not used in enclosed spaces because it creates a toxic vapor.

Fire with Water
Extinguishers are often easily available is water, because the ship can be obtained with an infinite amount. Water extinguishers which is good because it will cool the goods under a degree of heat that will protect the other items that have not been burned. The use of water as firefighters pose as they often cause damage kerugiankerugian great, not only should be used that much water poured on the fire place alone, but also on items that are nearby. Therefore, in some case / incident, the use of water for fire-fighting is not allowed:
·        If the presence of water can lead to very high temperatures (raw apur charge) or cause the gases exploded, for example: calcium acetelin pda. Carbid letup on the gas and light metals (Ca, K, Na) and coal fires.
·        If the water causes the spread of fire on the thing for example: oil fire.
·        If the compound will cause the eruption.
·        If the mass of water it would endanger the stability of the ship.
Requirements for Fire Pump and Plumbing
·        Each pump should be able to provide 2 strong water emission, the distance of these rays reach at least as far as 12 meters, pumps this number depending on the type and magnitude of the ship.
·        Faucet-fire krean (hydrants) must be placed in their respective distance of not more than 25 m.
·        Faucet-faucet seals, boxes, water hose, and others should be red.
·        If there is to be completed digeladak load tap-tap fire (hydarnt) are easily accessible to people.
·        The diameter of the fire intervals (fire house) according to a standard 2 ½ inch long and 60 ft standart. Fire hose shall be equipped with a funnel transmitter (lioze nozzle) that can adjust the speed of the water with ½ inch diameter standart (or 12 m / m). 5/8 inch (or 16 m / m) and ¾ inch (or 20 m / m).
·        Each fire house should be installed at the pumps burn out at work. There should be one or more pumps that work not hanging machine master machine, this requirement is needed because these pumps can also be used for the ship is in port. Besides that these pumps can be used for other purposes eg balas.Umumnya pumps fire pumps placed dikamar machine, only losses if by chance there was a fire in the engine room pumps can not contemplate any use
Fire Hose
Fire hose is made of a woven tarps are traveling without a connection.
The advantage:
·        Because the hose from the water permeable sheeting maa less likely to catch fire.
·        Not much needed storage space.
·        Lightweight and easy to use.
The disadvantages:
·        Not so strong when compared to rubber hoses.
·        When used to be dried before storing.
·        In storage needs occasional dried, as it can be damaged by the humid air.
Besides, there are hoses made ​​of rubber.
The advantage:
·        Rubber stronger.
·        Not affected by damp air, so it does not need to be drained after use.
The disadvantages:
·        Eat plenty of places
·        Heavier
Conclusion: To be used as a canvas fire hose better than the rubber hose, but to wash the deck, better rubber hose from the hose tarp. Being the best is made ​​of nylon material.
The advantage:
·        Do not leaking
·        No loss of pressure
·        Do not quickly broken, rotting or moldy
·        Not affected by cold
·        Easy rolled flat, meaning it takes up less space
·        There needs to be dried
·        More light means easy service

Hose Nozzle
Hose Nozzle can be set / arranged as a beam or a flush beam. By turning the head of this funnel, then the water will spread radiation emission as an umbrella flush the water. By turning the water continues then the umbrella will be more subtle and when rotated continue eventually closed. Rotating it little by little to avoid tekanantekanan jolt that could damage hose.
Profit umbrella whereby water is smoke up the eraser get closer to the fire and is a good protector from the hot fire.
Hydrant water pressure minimum set by SOLAS 1960 as follows:
Passenger ships:
1. 4000 BRT and more pressure is 3.2 kg/cm2
2. 1000 BRT and over but under pressure BRT 4000 2, ... kg/cm2
3. Under the 1000 BRT pressure on government consent.

Equipment fire crews consist of:
·        Tools for breathing: hose masks, filter masks, gas masks acid
·        helper that enough rope length and can not be burned
·        Lighting a fire
·        fire ax
To be able to enter the space there is a thick smoke or toxic gases or lack of oxygen should use a mask or other device it possible to live in the spaces where the fire occurred. When the mask is missing or damaged, fire extinguishers indeed not useful at all. When people reach the fire, the smoke and gases can not be a hindrance to him. Symptoms of smoke poisoning, eye pain and so do not need to be felt with the last device, so can be implemented with good erasers.
All regulations or requirements stipulated in the International Conference on the results of safety of life at sea, held in London in 1960 with the famous paraturan "SOLAS" 1960 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960). General requirements specified auxiliary equipment as follows:
1.      Such tools should be at all times ready for use when the ship in an emergency.
2.      When lowered into the water can be carried out easily and quickly, even if the conditions are not favorable, such as trim ship 15o.
Placement of each auxiliary device in such a way so as not to interfere with each other at the time of use .

In addition to the above system of firefighting, vessel must be equipped with other equipment to support the fire department consists of: Firemen outfit, the clothes are used as fire-extinguishing lamp complete with safety, life line, ax, helmet, shirt, pants, boots and gloves fireproof. Breathing apparatus (oxygen) which consists of a mask and oxygen tank that can be worn at the time of complete blackout with some spare tubes and fire armor Number breathing apparatus set according to SOLAS requirements or in accordance with government regulations and shovel sand flag box, must be available around the engine room and major axes are available within easy reach. Ship is also equipped with facilities of international shore connection.

Parachute distress signal (signaling form of the parasite)

Parachute signal is part of the safety equipment that functions ships firing fireballs in the air as high as 300 mtr to attract the attention of rescue boats.

A.     Conclusion
Ship as one of the means of transport has several facilities. Facilities that can not be underestimated is the security and safety of the ship facilities. This facility should get more attention because of concerns with human life, boats, business, economic, and even legal issues.
Judging from our function to be three major parts:
1.      Helper tools (live saving appliance)
·        Lifeboat and equipment.
·        Tools launcher davit (davits).
·         Life buoy, Life jacket or life belt, auto attendant raft (inflatable life raft), and others.
2.      Fire extinguishers (Fire Appliances)
3.      Danger signs with light or sound (light and sound signals).
All regulations or requirements stipulated in the International Conference on the results of safety of life at sea, held in London in 1960 with the famous rule "SOLAS" 1960 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960).
And government departments involved in maritime issues should strictly enforce laws concerning fraud rules and crack down on violations found in the field on matters relating to human safety issues.
This is essential because it affects the image of the world shipping and maritime Indonesia is growing. Fraud on this issue is found in many types of ships ferric economy. Ships should like the fact that transport people and goods should be properly addressed security and safety of his ship. Not because of economic problems, then ignored the safety factor.


Kusna Djaya, Indra. 2008. TEKNIK KONTRUKSI KAPAL BAJA jilid 2. Jakarta : Depdiknas

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